What Personal Branding Actually Is

What Personal Branding Actually Is

Hint: it’s not what you think. There is much confusion about what a personal brand actually means. Generally, it’s assumed to refer to a self-promotional style of marketing in which the marketer seeks some measure of personal notoriety, credibility, even fame—usually...
The Times They are A-Changin’

The Times They are A-Changin’

You may have noticed that we’ve been rather quiet in the past six months. Given the economic slowdown, it might seem logical to blog more, not less, but we’ve been in a mode of internal change, which has necessitated a withdrawal from the day to day activities related...
The Tone of Marketing Speaks Volumes

The Tone of Marketing Speaks Volumes

If our purpose for being in business is something more than mere profit, if we see our product or service as a way of bringing change — of making lives just a little better — then the tone of our marketing is more important than the methods we use to market. What most...